Teaching Math: A Video Library
Details Content Domains Video Descriptions
Usefullness of Video Ancillary Material Authorship
Grades K-12th
Type of Video
Edited videos of classroom lessons
Length of Videos
10-30 minutes
Number of Videos
Grades K-4: 52
Grades 5-8: 6
Grades 9-12: 19
Content Domains
Grades K-4: Counting and Cardinality; Geometry; Number and Operations - Fractions; Measurement and Data; Number and Operations in Base Ten; Ratios and Proportional relationships;
Grades 5-8: Geometry; Number and Operations - Fractions; Statistics and Probability
Grades 9-12: Algebra; Functions; Modeling; Geometry; Statistics and Probability
Description of the Videos
Videos include: pre-lesson teacher commentary and description of classroom setting; portions of classroom lessons with and without teachers’ and students’ voice over reflections; post-lesson student and/or teacher reflections (not all videos); post-lesson viewer reflection questions about mathematics pedagogy in video
Classroom videos shift from focus on single student, to whole class, to teacher. Also, the videos periodically insert teacher and student commentary occurring outside the classroom.
Classroom video of small groups of students capture students’ written work, students’ work on calculators, and mathematical conversations amongst the students and the teacher.
Most of the classroom videos begin with full class, transition to students arranged in small groups, and return to full class.
Many of the videos involve the launch, explore, and summarize lesson format. The launching of the activity occurs with the full class in which the teacher mediates interaction between her and the students or amongst the students. The explore phase involves students working in small groups (3-5 students) in which the students are interacting with each other as well as the teacher who is periodically monitoring the groups; summarize phase is full class in which the teacher selects and sequences students approaches to the tasks (not all videos.)
Usefulness of the Videos
The videos are useful for demonstrating excerpts of lessons in which teachers demonstrate
instructional practices that constitute orchestrating productive mathematical discussions.
Demonstrates ways in which teachers may set-up of high level cognitive demand task that maintains the level of cognitive. Also, demonstrates the way a teacher may conclude lessons, in which students do not complete the task, without giving away the “punchline”
Demonstrates purposeful questions a teacher may ask to elicit and extend students’ mathematical
Ancillary Materials
Supplementary webpage that includes: List of NCTM (1989) Process Standards with which the task aligns; brief background and overview on the classroom in the video and the sequence of events in the video; range different of discussion topics about the mathematics in the video, students learning of mathematics in the video, teacher’s pedagogy in the video, etc; extension activity that may be used following the lesson in the video; some videos have descriptions of the course and curriculum.
WGBH Boston, Annenberg Foundation
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